PUK: From mountain struggle to diplomatic struggle for Kurds' rights

P.U.K 02:48 PM - 2023-05-29
 PUK logo and number of years of struggle. PUKMEDIA

PUK logo and number of years of struggle.


The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) stands out because it fights in different ways as it moves into new stages. When the Kurdish cause is in danger, the PUK works to protect the status of the Kurdistan Region and simultaneously protect the lives and well-being of its people.

As we get closer to the 48th anniversary of the PUK's founding, the party is working tirelessly, away from slogans and bidding and through parliamentary and diplomatic struggles, to ensure that Kurdish people get their financial entitlements. Following in the footsteps of the late President Mam Jalal, the PUK acts as a gatherer of different ideas in order to gain greater interest from all Iraqis, works on finding solutions through dialogue and negotiation based on the provisions of the constitution, and has never been involved in political conflicts.

The PUK's unity had a powerful impact
Fahima Saber, a member of the PUK Leadership Council, told PUKMEDIA: "The PUK has not been as united in speech and stances as it is now since President Mam Jalal's death, and there is no doubt that this has a positive effect on the PUK's performance." 

She added: "The PUK, led by Bafel Jalal Talabani, is working tirelessly in the Kurdistan Region to bring the Kurdish parties together to serve the interests of the citizens." 

"Following in the footsteps of the late President Mam Jalal, the PUK genuinely cares for all communities in Kurdistan and urges the Kurdistan Parliament to protect the rights of the communities and not use them in political disputes," she added, "instead: they should have legislative representatives who advocate for their rights and needs. 

The member of the Leadership Council confirmed that "the PUK chants the slogan of serving the people, always seeks to achieve justice and guarantee their rights, and has demonstrated through action, not just words, that it wishes to serve the people."
The PUK seeks harmony and service to citizens
"Whereas in the past the PUK used weapons to defend the Kurdistan people's rights, it is now employing political compromises to relentlessly maintain and protect the freedom of the Kurd and has shown this in actions, not just words," said Rabiha Hamad, a member of the PUK Leadership Council, to PUKMEDIA.

She added: "The PUK is presently maintaining the relations established by President Mam Jalal in Baghdad, but it has never sought to participate in the Iraqi conflicts. In contrast, the efforts of the PUK president to mediate between political parties during the formation of the federal government demonstrate that the PUK seeks peace and serves the Iraqi people.
The PUK's efforts are translated into actions 
Hamad explained: "The PUK's efforts in Baghdad to bring stability to Iraq, protect the rights of the Kurdistan Region, and help the people in the disputed areas show the PUK's determination to build a democratic Iraq where everyone's rights are respected."

She said: "Thanks to the political work of President Bafel Jalal Talabani and the administrative work of Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, the agreement signed between Baghdad and Erbil went into effect, and the draft federal budget bill included the financial benefits for the people of Kurdistan."

President Mam Jalal and his friends Nawshirwan Mustafa, Fouad Masoum, Kamal Fouad, Adil Murad, Omer Sheikhmus, and Abdul-Razaq Faili established the PUK 48 years ago, on June 1, 1975, following the setback of the September Revolution (Aylul Revolution).

The birth of the PUK in that sensitive circumstance was an unavoidable necessity for the people of Kurdistan, as the PUK was able to rekindle the revolution a year after its establishment. Consequently, since the fall of the Ba'ath regime in 2003, the PUK has been fighting tirelessly in Baghdad to obtain the rights of the people of Kurdistan in a democratic federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and carries the banner of achieving justice and good governance so that all citizens can enjoy the country’s resources without discrimination.


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