Pire: PUK Seeks Political Stability

P.U.K 01:52 PM - 2024-05-15
Pire's meeting with Japanese CG PUK Spokesman's media office

Pire's meeting with Japanese CG


Today, Saadi Ahmed Pire, a member of the Political Bureau and Official Spokesman of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), met with Mr. Mikihiro Arakawa, the Consul General of Japan in the Kurdistan Region at the Political Bureau's headquarters in Erbil.

Pire began the meeting by warmly welcoming the Japanese Consul General to the PUK's Political Bureau and highlighting the crucial role of the Japanese Consulate in the Kurdistan Region, which has increased the Kurdistan Region's diplomatic prominence.

The two parties engaged in a discussion regarding the political landscape in Iraq, namely focusing on the Kurdistan Region and the surrounding area. Pire emphasized the PUK's commitment to achieving political stability and enhancing the well-being of the Kurdish people. This includes advocating for political reform and effective government through democratic and timely elections. 

He said in this regard: "It is imperative that we prioritize the preservation of the Kurdistan Region's experience and the attainment of the Kurdish people's legal and constitutional entitlements while safeguarding the region's stability and upholding the principles of law and order."

Pire highlighted the security challenges faced by the Kurdistan Region, including the presence of sleeper terrorist cells and the ongoing conflicts between Kurdish and Arab farmers. These issues necessitate cautious and delicate monitoring to prevent potential political and social complications that may further undermine regional security. At this stage, Iraq and the Kurdistan Region require additional UN envoys and UN agencies to provide further support to political, governmental, and administrative institutions.

Following the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Arakawa emphasized the significance of the Kurdistan Region's strategic position within the region and stated: "Japan places significant significance on the overall situation in the surrounding area, with a special focus on the Kurdistan Region and wants to more political stability, security, and economic advancement in the area. Tokyo also promotes the settlement of unresolved political matters between the political factions in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region through constructive discussions and understanding, in accordance with the relevant Constitution and laws."




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