President Bafel: Protecting Kurds’ rights will be crucial to the country's political stability

News 04:31 PM - 2023-04-07
  President Bafel and First Deputy Speaker of Iraqi parliament PUK President’s media office

President Bafel and First Deputy Speaker of Iraqi parliament

President Bafel Iraq

President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Bafel Jalal Talabani received Mohsen al-Mandalawi, the First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, at Dabashan, Sulaymaniyah Province.

The meeting focused on coordination and collaboration among Iraq's constitutional institutions and ongoing initiatives to uphold national obligations and protect Iraqi citizens' rights.

The Iraqi parliament received the bill to establish Halabja as a province, according to President Bafel Jalal Talabani, who also expressed his hope that a solid national consensus would be developed and supported.

Regarding the budget bill's reading and endorsement, President Bafel stated: "The budget's adoption and the legal protection of Kurdish rights will be crucial steps toward the country's political and economic stability and will start a new era of cooperation and collaboration for the construction of a better future."


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