Government discrimination did not stop Sulaymaniyah

Kurdistan 01:44 PM - 2023-04-03
 Sulaymaniyah city. Agencies.

Sulaymaniyah city.

Sulaymaniyah Iraq Kurdistan Region

Notwithstanding the financial blockade enforced by Masrour Barzani in the ninth cabinet, the poverty rate in Sulaymaniyah Province (i.e., Halabja and both administrations) is the lowest among the provinces of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq at 3%.
Sulaymaniyah has the lowest proportion of poverty in Iraq at 3%, while Muthanna Province has the highest rate at 62%, according to statistics issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Planning last week.

Sulaymaniyah overcame its difficulties
 Rebwar Mohammed Amin, an oil and gas expert, told PUKMEDIA: "Even though its revenue is sent to Erbil and the ninth cabinet's major discrimination towards Sulaymaniyah, adopting independent economy by Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), the financial crisis, the fight against ISIS, the arrival of numerous displaced, and the coronavirus, the Iraqi Ministry of Planning acknowledges that Sulaymaniyah has the lowest poverty rate."
Sulaymaniyah is the leading province in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq in terms of industry because it has the most factories, according to Amin. "The poverty level is determined based on several criteria, such as medical services, education, security, safety, electricity supply, personal income, etc."
Duhok has the highest level of poverty
 Sulaymaniyah has the lowest rate of poverty in the region, at just 3%, while Duhok has the highest rate, at 7%, followed by Erbil, at 6.7%.
Sulaymaniyah is the top city in Iraq
 Dr. Haval Abubakr Sulaymaniyah, the Governor, previously stated: "In terms of water, environment, greenery, health, jobs, and several other categories, Sulaymaniyah is the top city in Iraq. But in terms of commercial, industrial, oil, and investment, Sulaymaniyah is the Iraqi city with most of these resources. Since Sulaymaniyah has the lowest poverty rate among all of Iraq's provinces, it stands apart from the rest. Naturally, the poverty rate would be significantly low if there was no discrimination."
The cabinet of Masrour Barzani's blockade on Sulaymaniyah
 As inequity and unfairness in revenue expenditures have peaked and are being used as a form of punishment, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has put a financial blockade on Sulaymaniyah. Foreign Policy reported that "Last year, the authorities in Sulaymaniyah struggled to pay the public sector salaries, so angry government employees lined up outside the distribution centers to receive their payments, and three retirees died in line waiting for their salaries."


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