Kosrat Rasul: Mrs. Hero is a Peshmerga and a hero

P.U.K 03:11 PM - 2023-03-19
 Hero Khan on the right and Kosrat Rasul on the left. Ahmed Najm

Hero Khan on the right and Kosrat Rasul on the left.

Kosrat Rasul PUK Hero Ibrahim Ahmed

Kosrat Rasul Ali, Chairman of the Supreme Political and Interest Council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), paid a visit to Hero Ibrahim Ahmed, a member of the PUK Supreme Political and Interest Council, in Sulaymaniyah on Sunday, March 19, 2023.

Mrs. Hero Ibrahim Ahmed's good health pleased Kosrat Rasul Ali, who wished her well and congratulated her on the anniversary of the Kurdish uprising and also on the occasion of Newroz, two significant national holidays.

Kosrat Rasul said that Mrs. Hero was a female Peshmerga who was a fighter and a hero who had always been a strong supporter of Mam Jalal and played a vital part in both the struggle in the mountains and the struggle in the cities.


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