President Bafel: May the End of Disagreements Begin With Eid al-Adha

P.U.K 06:08 AM - 2023-06-28
President of PUK PUK President's media office

President of PUK

President Bafel

Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), has issued a message on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, saying: "Let's use the holiday as a springboard for overcoming obstacles and spreading the good news of everlasting togetherness to our cherished people at home and abroad, as this is the only way to fortify our Kurdistan and safeguard national interests."

President Bafel's complete statement:

Happy Eid al-Adha to all Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq, and around the world. 

I hope that this celebration will bring about lasting peace and contentment for all and signal the beginning of the end of all disagreements. 

May we live in peace and prosperity within a Kurdistan that is free from extremism and violence and celebrates its many cultural and religious traditions. 

Our society needs to be instilled with a culture of love and life, and extremist ideology cannot replace moderation. 

Politically, let's use the holiday as a springboard for overcoming obstacles and spreading the good news of everlasting togetherness to our cherished people at home and abroad, as this is the only way to fortify our Kurdistan and safeguard national interests.


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