Kurdish woman fulfills her dream in opening her own business

Women‌‌ 09:40 AM - 2021-04-06


The economic crises that the Kurdistan region is exposed to forced Kurdish women to find job opportunities or open projects to work side by side with men to provide for their family, and find their selves and realize their aspirations in all fields of life.


Chiro Askari, a Kurdish woman from Sulaymaniyah city, is one of those intelligent women who chose to fulfill her dream after a long wait, by opening a small food factory and providing job opportunities for a group of working women.


"My dream was to open my own business, and the dream was fulfilled by opening a small food supply factory that includes 6 women workers who prepare ready-made meals from Kibbeh, Borek, Potato Chap, and meat dough, and preparing various dishes bases on the demand of our customers," said the entrepreneur, Chiro Askari, to PUKmedia.


Regrading the success of her project and her ambitions, Chiro says: "Challenge, courage and patience are the basis for the success of every project, even if the capabilities are weak, because hope makes miracles. My ambition is to grow the project to employ a greater number of women so that the success is greater.


She pointed out that Kurdish women who have entered into many businesses and projects need support only to continue to be side by side with the men in raising the economic situation that he suffers due to the crises that the region is going through. 


"My message to women is (achieve your dreams outside the home, be as you wish to be, win over yourself by work and love for success), nothing is impossible as long as there is persistence and determination, no matter how long there is always another opportunity, seize the moment, do not wait for anyone, stand on your feet and run to success," she said in conclusion.




Reported by Adnan Jaf from Sulaymaniyah


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