Iraqi President: Baghdad-Erbil Agreements Must be Activated

Kurdistan 10:41 AM - 2024-05-12
 Iraqi President Abdullatif Jamal Rashid and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani. Iraqi Presidency

Iraqi President Abdullatif Jamal Rashid and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani.

Iraq Kurdistan

Iraqi President Abdullatif Jamal Rashid met with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani in Erbil on Saturday, May 11, 2024.

The Vice-Presidents of the Kurdistan Region as well as a number of other KRG ministers and senior officials were also present at the meeting.

In reviewing the overall situation in the country and regional developments, they all agreed that Iraq's hard-won gains must be preserved by consolidating security and stability in the country and by coordinating efforts among all political forces.

The two leaders concurred that the agreements between Baghdad and Erbil must be activated and that outstanding issues resolved in accordance with the Constitution.

President Rashid expressed his appreciation for the steps taken toward strengthening relations between the two sides, and emphasized the importance of promoting dialogue and reaching mutual understanding in order to ensure that citizens over all the country are able to enjoy a decent standard of living.

According to President Rashid, it is crucial to strengthen relations between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, to resolve the issue of the KRG budget and financial allocations, and to work towards resolving obstacles facing farmers in receiving wheat from the Federal Government.

President Barzani detailed the ongoing efforts by the Kurdistan Region to establish stability and peace and to resolve issues between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government. He also provided an overview of the outcomes of his recent visit to Iran and the positive impact it has had on the overall state of relations between the two neighbouring countries.

PUKMEDIA-Iraqi Presidency

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