PUK President: We Will Protect Journalists' Rights

P.U.K 03:10 PM - 2024-04-22

PUK President

Journalists President Bafel PUK

Bafel Jalal Talabani, the President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), extends his congratulations to journalists on the occasion of Kurdish Journalism Day. He expresses gratitude to all the tireless authors who have made efforts to enhance the field of journalism and promote awareness in the past.

The following is the full statement:

To all Kurdish journalists and media professionals, Happy Kurdish Journalism Anniversary. We express our gratitude to the tireless authors who have endeavored in the past to promote the journalism movement and enhance community awareness.

The PUK strongly opposes any limitations on freedom and any infringements on the rights of journalists, considering them to be serious dangers to democracy and the Region's reputation abroad. Furthermore, it strongly believes in the principles of press freedom and the right to access information. Regrettably, our Region has been subject to extreme criticism in the past as a result of numerous such incidents.

Historically, we have consistently offered complete support to journalists, fostering an atmosphere of freedom and encouraging them to fearlessly exercise their right to criticize us. Criticism helps us grow and allows us to improve. We will continue with the same approach and ensure the preservation of journalists' rights.

Bafel Jalal Talabani
President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan


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