President Rashid: Regional Conflicts are not Impossible To Solve

Iraq 11:16 PM - 2024-02-28
 President Rashid's interview with al-Hadath TV PUKMEDIA

President Rashid's interview with al-Hadath TV

Iraqi President

Iraqi President stated in an interview that Kurdistan's powers are constitutional, and as Iraq is a federal state that upholds the rights of the Region, no Iraqi party may call for their withdrawal.

"While regional problems are not impossible to overcome, Iraqi security forces are proficient and capable of handling both internal and external threats," he added.

During an interview with al-Hadath TV, Iraqi President Abdullatif Jamal Rashid stated: "Our relations with Turkey are favorable in terms of politics, trade, and investment, but we have some security concerns that must be resolved within the framework of negotiations."

"Iraq is experiencing a water crisis. We rely on foreign water resources and advocate for agreement with Iran and Turkey to guarantee equitable distribution for all," he added.

Regarding the Kurdistan Region, the President said: "The powers of the Kurdistan Region are constitutional, and there is no official Iraqi party to demand the deprivation of these powers. Iraq is a federal state that ensures the rights of the Kurdistan Region. Although there are disputes between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region regarding budget, oil, and salaries. Discussions are ongoing through the joint committees, and we are certain that they will yield favorable outcomes."

"The international coalition was established to combat terrorism and ISIS. With the current absence of the ISIS threat, the Iraqi security forces are now at a good level to handle both internal and external problems," he said.

President Rashid further said: "We oppose the utilization of Iraqi territory for launching attacks or making threats against any neighboring nation. Kurds from Iran and Turkey who have relocated to Iraq should respect this principle."

"The international coalition has reached an agreement with the Iraqi government, and any timeline for their stay or withdrawal from Iraq will be determined by the government in consultation with political factions and the Iraqi parliament, with the Iraqi government making the final decision," he said.

"We have been successful in bringing the perspectives of Saudi Arabia and Iran closer together, and we are currently working to get Syria back into the Arab League in addition to our other efforts on other regional concerns," he added, "Regional conflicts are not irreconcilable and can be handled. Rather than waging wars and conflicts, we place an emphasis on achieving common goals by utilizing the region's enormous resources."




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