Qubad Talabani: We Announce Data Revolution Initiative

Kurdistan 10:49 AM - 2023-11-14
 Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani PUKMEDIA

Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani

Qubad Talabani

On the 239th anniversary of establishing Sulaymaniyah, the 1st MEED Conference for Regional Development kicked off in Sulaymaniyah under the supervision of Kurdistan Region's Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani.

The use of smart technology to advance sustainable economic growth and improve quality of life, as well as the role of data science in strategic decision-making, are among the topics covered at the MEED Conference.

The conference's primary goals are to devise plans for increasing data accessibility, promote a culture that values data use, and apply clever solutions to challenges in regional development. The MEED conference also provides a forum for showcasing different projects, highlighting the critical role that data management and utilization skills play in planning, decision-making, and policy-making.

Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani announced two significant projects at the conference: the Data Revolution Initiative, aiming to drive social change and sustainable economic growth in Iraq's Kurdistan Region, and the Smart Suli project.

"We have had a single-source economy up to this point, with natural resource sales powering the nation," Qubad Talabani said of data and development in the Kurdistan Region. As a result, we have been unable to distribute our services evenly across the various regions. The Kurdistan Region's growth history over the previous 20 years amply demonstrates that while major cities and provincial centers have grown, towns, districts, and even villages have largely been ignored."

He added, "The attainment of developed status and a robust and stable economy in Kurdistan hinges upon the successful implementation of a governance and regional development model. Consequently, it is imperative to formulate and execute a comprehensive strategy for the advancement of each individual region based on its distinctive attributes."

Regarding the establishment of a mechanism to solve the problems, Qubad Talabani said: "Following a mechanism in the administration that enables people to directly engage in the process of identifying and resolving societal and governance issues is of utmost significance. The historical government of Kurdistan and Iraq has witnessed the implementation of erroneous concepts under the guise of planning, resulting in adverse results."

With regards to the announcement of the two important projects, Qubad Talabani said: "I wish to announce the Smart Suli project, an initiative that aims to actively engage people in addressing societal difficulties and promoting its overall progress. The project has the potential to serve as a conduit connecting various stakeholders, including the public and corporate sectors, universities, academic centers, and citizens. The fundamental issues about our government are examined, with an invitation sent to individuals to engage in their resolution through the utilization of Smart Suli. Our objective is to develop Smart Suli as a robust platform that fosters a mutually beneficial connection between the market and our institutions and academic centers."

"Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, and Duhok will not develop until an effective governance and regional development model is implemented," Talabani said.

"Shortly, a technology conference will be organized for youth to foster creativity and entrepreneurship. The primary objective of this forum is to identify intelligent solutions to the challenges encountered in our governance system. It is worth noting that these initiatives will synergistically enhance the ongoing service projects and reforms in the administration of Kurdistan," he said.

Qubad Talabani concluded the conference by saying, "We continue the data revolution and digitalizing governance, and so we announce the data revolution initiative."


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