Political Bureau: This Stage's Priority Should be Citizens' Lives

P.U.K 09:17 PM - 2023-09-16
 PUK Political Bureau's meeting. PUKMEDIA

PUK Political Bureau's meeting.


Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), chaired a meeting of the PUK Political Bureau on Saturday, September 16, 2023.

Recent events in Kurdistan, Iraq, and the surrounding region were the main topics of discussion at the Dabashan Sulaymaniyah meeting. Salary and livelihood issues for Kurdish citizens, as well as the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation's ongoing efforts in Baghdad and meetings with the Iraqi government and political parties, were discussed at length.

The Political Bureau emphasized that the foremost focus during this phase should be on the salaries and livelihoods of citizens, stressing that to achieve this objective, the PUK's role and endeavors within the Kurdistan Regional Government and Baghdad must align with this goal.

Another topic of discussion at the meeting was the PUK team's trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran led by President Bafel. The tour's goal was to improve relations between the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The meeting rated the PUK's visit and regional and international ties as favorable and productive, with a focus on the benefit of Kurdistan and Iraq.

In addition, the Political Bureau discussed the most recent preparations for the 5th Congress of the PUK. The participants highlighted the importance of approving the measures taken to ensure the success of the upcoming congress, which is scheduled to take place on September 27.


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 PUK President Bafel Jalal Talabani.

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