Iraqi President Emphasizes the Need for Democracy and Rule of Law

Iraq 01:49 PM - 2023-08-02
 Iraqi Presidency Iraqi Presidency media office

Iraqi Presidency

Iraq Iraqi President

On the anniversary of the genocide that killed thousands of Barzanis in the Kurdistan Region, the President of the Republic of Iraq, Dr. Abdullatif Jamal Rashid, released a statement.

The complete statement is as follows:

The forty-year anniversary of the genocide that murdered and disappeared thousands of Kurdish citizens of Barzan in the Kurdistan Region is a day that our people remember with sorrow and rage.

The heinous crime that the dictatorial regime committed is a prime example of the cruelty that was typical of the behavior of tyranny, which did not hesitate to commit the most serious crimes.

Following the crime of targeting the Barzani people, there was a string of genocide crimes committed during the Anfal operations, and then the crime against Halabja, in which chemical weapons were used against civilians. All of these crimes were committed against large populations of people, including thousands of men, both young and old, women, and children, and they were all committed despite any moral restraint.

It is simple to draw a connection between the atrocities committed by the dictatorship in the past and the terrorist acts committed by ISIS while they were in control of several Iraqi provinces, cities, and villages, which resulted in the murder of thousands of people. There are different forms of racism: Ethno-religious sectarianism,

A nation where citizens are aware of their rights, defend their fair democratic system, and raise it to the ranks of well-established and ancient democracies in our modern world must adhere to three fundamental principles: the consolidation of democracy, the strengthening of the power of law, and a genuine belief in accepting diversity and differences.

We remember the righteous martyrs and the victims of genocide, and we learn from their sacrifices and their families' pain. We are more motivated than ever to commemorate sacrifices, promote valor, and seek to protect the rights of bereaved families.

May Mercy be extended to the martyrs.

And as our nation continues its march toward creating a federal, democratic, just, and dignified Iraq with all of its children, I extend my sincere condolences to their families and to all of our people.

Abdullatif Jamal Rashid,
President of the Republic of Iraq


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