President Bafel to Women: I will support you to take the helm of the party

P.U.K 11:24 AM - 2023-03-08
President Bafel Jalal Talabani PUK President's media office

President Bafel Jalal Talabani

President Bafel Women

Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), remarked on International Women's Day: "I will gladly help and support you in achieving your rights to give a more favorable and broader atmosphere for Kurdish women to develop their abilities and lead the party."

The complete message from President Bafel is as follows:

On International Women's Day, we honor all the courageous women who have fought for human rights and equality and have had a significant impact on the advancement of society.

Kurdish women have always been at the forefront in many disciplines, have played a vital role in the political and social events of the Kurdish people, and have a significant presence in all aspects of Kurdish society.

I am honored to help and stand by you as you pursue your rights. We have actively opposed gender discrimination and overcame challenges. The PUK has always supported women and will continue offering Kurdish women additional chances to advance their abilities and take the helm of the party.


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