Metrography agency hosts its first Kamaran awards ceremony in Slemani

Photo Gallery 08:44 PM - 2022-06-13

Metrography photo agency hosted its first annual ceremony of Kamaran awards for journalists in Sulaimani on Sunday.

The Kamran Awards 2022 was held for the first time this year, but the project founder, which is Metrography Agency, will hold it annually for all photographers, videographers, and journalists who want to innovate and serve in their profession. 

The ceremony coincided with the eighth anniversary of the disappearance of Kamaran Najm, the photographer and founder of the Metrography Agency, who was wounded and Kidnapped by ISIS on June 12, 2014, while he was covering a battle between Peshmerga forces and ISIS terrorists in the Mala Abdullah area west of Kirkuk city and he has not been found since then.

The ceremony was attended by the president of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Bafel Jalal Talabani and the Deputy of the prime minister Qubad Talabani along with the minister of culture and numerous other officials were included as well.

Kamaran Najm, a photojournalist and founder of the Metrography Agency, was born in Kirkuk in 1987 and has been working as a journalist and photographer since 2003.
Kamaran has worked for international news agencies such as Reuters and the Associated Press. He also worked for the Washington Post, Vanity Fair, and The Times of London, and has won several awards, such as the World Press Photo and the MENA Masterclass of the Middle East and Africa.

Photo Credit: Vinos Tofiq

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